Auricles and Turnips
(Recipe for 4 people)
400 grs. of auricles of bran
1kg. of turnips
extra virgin olive oil
4 boned anchovies
1 minced clove of garlic
1 red hot chilly pepper
Boil the auricles in abundant salted water, in the meantime clean the turnips and to boil them in salted water. Fry the anchovies in a frying pan adding the minced garlic and red hot chilly peper. Drain the auricles and the turnips, mix the all and finally season them with the spiced fried anchovies.
Fricielli Unesco
(Recipe for 4 people)
300 grs. of fricelli (fresh pasta)
100 grs. fresh sausage cut to small pieces
1 onion, 1 yellow chilly pepper
1 small bundle of rucola
extra virgin olive oil
Fry the onion, the pepper cut to small slices and the sausage cut opened in extra virgin olive oil. Let them redden , then add some white wine letting it evaporate. Add asunder some chopped tomatoes completing the cooking. In a pot let the fricelli boil in abundant salted water for about 15 minutes, drain it, pour pasta in the fried mixture and serve it with some shreded rucola.

Fave and Chicories
(Recipe for 4 people)
1/2 kgs. of white fave
2 potatoes, salt, water, oil
Leave the faves to ‘rest’ in water for about one hour, then drain it and to start cooking slowly adding some salt and the potatoes, previously sliced. After cooking slowly for about one hour, mix it and add crude olive oil as you like. The chicory must be boiled apart in abundant water and salted and dressed with crude oil.